Supporting (new) model building:

Given that students will consider infection, spread, scope/scale, and the evolutionary components of the MRSA phenomenon, one decision you may want to make is whether to have students continue to add details and/or elaborate on a SINGLE model or build 3 SEPARATE models.

The infection mode may have components that are relevant for spread and transmission. You may want to return to the infection model that students built prior to this as a starting-­‐off point: what did this model help us understand about MRSA? What new ideas do we now know that need to be accounted for?

Building out 3 separate models may afford the opportunity for students to examine more closely the components, relationships, and mechanisms underlying each of the three “pieces” of the MRSA phenomenon.

Fine Tuning Support: Students may undervalue reviewing their notes, so It may help to structure the task further. For example, give a distinct amount time for each of the three steps: (1) Review the evidence and interpretations you noted*; (2)Review your MRSA infection model. (3) Use all of these to answer the prompts below…

*If this is a beginning a new class period, then more time is needed for this step. If not, then less.