Days 13-14

Focus: Analyze a historian’s actions and claims in a newspaper article to deepen understandings of how historians make claims and develop arguments

Sources Used:

Source J: Language Offers Rare Insight into Ancient Egyptians, article from The Chicago Tribune about a historian of ancient Egypt (published October, 2013)


  1. Preview newspaper article (Language Offers Insight …) before closely reading and reflect on three questions: Who wrote this? When was it written? What type of text is this? Discuss why it’s important to determine the origin of a document.TC_Bubble
  2. Closely read the text with multiple purposes, focusing on identifying the specific historian’s actions and claims made by that historian. Chart historian’s actions and claims and discuss the relationship between the actions and claims.TC_Bubble
  3. Look over list of claims the historian made and review the text to determine the author’s main claim.TC_Bubble

Classroom Products:

  • T chart – historian’s actions, historian’s claims
  • Sources Historians Use chart