
The goal for this sequence of activities is for students to assume greater independence as they work through deepening their understanding of the architecture of an argument and how to build arguments of fact. This week, students work in pairs to complete their investigations.

Day 6

The Case of the Dead Musician Image
The Case of the Dead Musician Text and Image

The Case of the Dead Musician Evidence Organizer

1. Begin by introducing the context of the The Case of the Dead Musician problem while distributing the image to the students. Introduce this by saying, “Detectives, we have come together to determine if famed musician, Anton Karazai, committed suicide or was murdered.”

  • Give students 5-7 minutes to annotate the image independently.TC_Bubble
  • Then, distribute the The Case of the Dead Musician Text and Image. Ask students to closely read the text and annotate as they read. Give students 5-10 minutes to read and annotate the text. After reading the text, students may have additional insights related to the image. These insights should be recorded on the The Case of the Dead Musician Text and Image page.

2. As a class, review argument structure terminology and language of warrants handouts.
3. Assign students to work in pairs (teacher assigned) to complete The Case of the Dead Musician Evidence Organizer.

  • In pairs, students will start their evidence organizer activity, documenting evidence and corresponding warrants.TC_Bubble

Click here to read “Tips from the Field.”

Day 7

The Case of the Dead Musician Text and Image

The Case of the Dead Musician Evidence Organizer

During this class period, students resume work in their pairs and complete The Case of the Dead Musician Evidence Organizer.

Day 8

The Case of the Dead Musician Text and Image

The Case of the Dead Musician Evidence Organizer

1. Have students move back into their pairs.
2. To prepare groups for writing, review with the class how to complete a crime scene report by saying, “Alright detectives, we need to complete a crime scene investigative report, similar to the one we completed for Slip or Trip. Let’s review what we needed to include in the crime scene report.” Have the class volunteer components of the crime scene report.

3. Distribute and discuss the Guidelines for Crime Scene Report: The Case of the Dead Musician: Writing up the argument
4. Working in pairs, students should begin to draft their crime scene report.TC_Bubble

Day 9

The Case of the Dead Musician Writing up the argument

1. Have students get back into their pairs and pass back each group’s draft. Tell the students that they should work to have a full rough draft completed by the end of the period.
2. Prompt groups to continue working on their drafts, following the guidelines handout. During this time, circulate to each group and provide guidance as needed.
3. Before the end of class, collect completed drafts from pairs and tell students that you will provide feedback on their drafts before the next class session. The pairs will be given another period (the following class day) to produce a final crime scene investigative report.

Day 10

The Case of the Dead Musician Writing up the argument

1. Have students return to their pairs and distribute the drafts with feedback.
2. Prompt pairs to read the feedback carefully and work to revise their drafts and write their final Crime Scene Investigation Report during today’s class.
3. Circulate to pairs during the period to support their discussions and writing.
4. At the end of class, collect the final investigations from the pairs.