This portion of the module corresponds to pages 1 – 5 in the interactive notebook.
Hypernatremia Due to Dehydration in Dementia
1. Individual think-write: preview
- Take out your science reading and talking stems, then turn to the text “Hypernatremia Due to Dehydration in Dementia,” page R1 in your Reader.
- Take two minutes to look over the text and respond to the prompts below.
- What might be challenging about reading this article?
- What might be interesting about reading this article?
- What kind of text is this? How do you know?
- What predictions can you make about the kind of science information it may contain?
- What might you do to get as much out of the reading this article as possible?
- Take turns sharing your ideas for one minute each.
- Add notes about your partner’s ideas onto your own response.
- Stellar idea: Select one response that you or your partner can share with the class. Mark it with a star.
- Share stellar ideas.
- Listen closely and respond to your classmates’ ideas.
- Use science talk stems.
- Add peers’ best ideas onto your own response.
- What new words can we add to our word wall?
4. Reading and making thinking visible
- Talk to the text: Individually talk to the text on “Hypernatremia due to dehydration in dementia.”
5. Pair discussion
- Take out your science reading and talking stems.
- Talk with your table partners and take turns sharing your talk to the text comments, going paragraph by paragraph.
- Help each other work through any confusions or roadblocks you may encounter.
- Keep track of any new reading strategies you or your partner use to make sense of this text, and discuss with your partner: what could be added to our reading strategies list (RSL)?
6. Generating questions about the phenomenon (partners/whole class)
- Reading process: What science reading processes were important for your reading? See if you can add any new ideas to your class’ RSL.
- Inquiry: think about what you understand about this 86 year-old female patient and/or hypernatremia, any connections you’ve made to what you already know, and write down other questions you have below.
This portion of the module corresponds to pages 4 – 5 in the interactive notebook.
When Too Much Water Hurts a Runner
1. Individual think-write: preview
- Turn to Reader page R3 and take out your science reading and talking stems.
- Take two minutes to look over “When Too Much Water Hurts a Runner” and respond to the prompts below.
- What might be challenging about reading this article?
- What might be interesting about reading this article?
- What kind of text is this? How do you know?
- What predictions can you make about the kind of science information it may contain?
- What might you do to get the most out of the reading this article as possible?
2. Pair share
- With your partner, preview this text and see if you can make some any connections between this text and the text on page R1 – R2: “Hypernatremia Due to Dehydration in Dementia.”
- Use your talk stems bookmark to talk with your partner.
- Based on your preview of the text and any connections you made to the previous text, set a purpose for reading this article.
- Make sure you are ready to share you and your partner’s ideas to the class!
3. Whole class discussion
- Share the ideas you and your partner came up with when you previewed the texts.
- Listen closely and respond to your classmates’ ideas.
- Use science talk stems.
4. Reading and making thinking visible
Use your reading strategies bookmark and do a close reading of this text.
While you read, talk to the text to document your thinking and reading processes in the margins. Pay special attention to the connections you make and to the questions that the texts make you think about as you read.
After reading, respond to the prompts below and discuss with your partner:
- Sense-making: Work together to make sense of the text.
- Reading process: What science reading processes were important for your reading?
- Inquiry: What are you noticing or wondering now about hyponatremia? What new understandings or connections are you forming? What is interesting? What is important? Write down those ideas in the space below.
- Stellar ideas: Select one reading process AND one idea or question about hyponatremia that you or your partner can share with the class. Mark each with a star.
6. Whole class discussion
Share stellar ideas about reading process
- What did you notice about your partner’s (or your own) reading processes with this text?
- What reading challenges did you or your partner encounter and how did you respond to the reading challenge?
- What additions or revisions can we make on the reading strategies list poster?
Share stellar ideas about hyponatremia.
- What questions, connections, or ah-ha’s do you have from your reading?
- What new words can we add to our word wall?
This portion of the module corresponds to pages 5 – 7 in the interactive notebook.
Too much or too little… what’s going on inside the body?
Phenomena are events or processes that occur in the world that can be explained by science. One of the ways that scientists do the important work of investigating and explaining phenomena is by gathering information from texts of all types, including written and visual text.
Hyper- and hyponatremia are the phenomena you are investigating. You and your classmates’ have just read about two individuals experiencing some extreme conditions. Next you will work with your partner or tablemates and think about the similarities and differences in what’s going on inside the body of someone who is hyper vs. hyponatremic.
- Listen and make notes below about the teacher’s reading process. Pay particular attention to how the teacher identifies similarities and differences.
Hypernatremic dementia patient | Hyponatremic marathon runner | |
Differences | ||
Similarities |
2. Whole class discussion
- What did you notice about how your teacher identified differences and similarities?
3. Pairs/small groups
Work with your partner or tablemates and think about the similarities and differences in what’s going on inside the body of someone who is hyper vs. hyponatremic.
- Put a star by ideas that are supported by the texts you’ve read. Put a question mark by the ideas that you may need to do more research to be sure about.
- Chose a similarity or a difference to share with the class.
Hypernatremia dementia patient | Hyponatremic marathon runner | |
Differences | ||
Similarities |
4. Whole class discussion
- Share a similarity or difference and the reading strategies you used to identify it.
- What additions or revisions can we make on the reading strategies list poster?
- Add your peers’ ideas to your own chart.
This portion of the module corresponds to page 8 in the interactive notebook.
Building our inquiry questions (IQs)
Scientists looking to understand puzzling phenomena don’t find every answer using their lab equipment. They also do a lot of reading to help them identify the interesting questions that they want to pursue and investigate. Think about the questions you and your classmates have generated by reading.
1. Individual brainstorming
Based on your close reading of the two texts in this module and based on what you know, what questions do you have about water, sodium, and the human body?
2. Think-pair-share
- Share the inquiry questions you generated from these two texts. Which ones rise to the top as the most important? Why do you think these are the most important? How might these questions impact how you read? Circle the questions you would like to share with your classmates and be ready to share why you think this question is important.
3. Whole class discussion
- Share one of the questions you and your partner discussed.
- Use your science talk stems to contribute and listen and build on your classmate’s ideas.
- Work together to create an inquiry question poster based on you and your classmates’ questions about water, sodium, and the human body.